Vulnerability List

List of issues SmartScanner can test

224 Total Tests
High 130
Medium 43
Low 24
Informational 27

A vulnerability was discovered in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.49 related to changes made to path normalization. This flaw enables attackers to perform path traversal attacks,...

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, often through user inputs, and executed in the browsers of other users....

The Apache Web Server (httpd) with Apache Tomcat JK (mod_jk) Connector versions 1.2.0 to 1.2.44 contains a flaw in path normalization, allowing specially crafted requests...

A vulnerability exists in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier versions, specifically within the mod_proxy module. An attacker can exploit this flaw by crafting a...

Exposing the Apache server-info page allows attackers to gather detailed information about the server configuration, installed modules, and other system-related details, aiding potential attacks.

Exposing the Apache server-status page allows attackers to gather detailed information about the server’s current state, facilitating potential attacks by revealing active connections, server uptime,...

The Apache Struts framework, when forced, performs double evaluation of attributes’ values assigned to certain tags attributes such as id. This allows attackers to pass...

Apache Struts 2 suffers from a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability, designated as S2-045. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the server...

Apache Struts 2, specifically the REST Plugin, is susceptible to a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability identified as S2-052. This vulnerability arises due to the...

A Remote Code Execution (RCE) attack is possible in Apache Struts when alwaysSelectFullNamespace is set to true (either by the user or by a plugin...

Apache Tomcat is susceptible to a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability when running on Windows with HTTP PUTs enabled. By sending a specially crafted request,...

By default, the Tomcat Manager application should only be accessible from a browser running on the same machine as Tomcat. However, if the Manager login...

A misconfigured web server may expose the Apache version number either in the Server HTTP header or in the body of error pages. Attackers leverage...

An application and database error occurs when the application encounters issues related to both its functionality and interaction with the database backend. Unhandled exceptions in...

Unhandled exceptions pose two primary risks. Firstly, they can lead to denial of service by causing memory leaks or excessive resource consumption. Secondly, they may...

Arbitrary Source Code Disclosure is a vulnerability that occurs when it’s possible to access the source code of any file on a web application, potentially...

The presence of the X-AspNet-Version and X-AspNetMvc-Version headers exposes the version of ASP.NET used by the web server, providing valuable information to attackers. This disclosure...

Enabling autocomplete for password input fields allows browsers to save and autofill sensitive information, such as passwords. This poses a security risk, particularly on shared...

Using Basic Authentication over HTTP exposes user credentials to potential interception by attackers who can sniff and capture HTTP traffic. This authentication method sends credentials...

Blind OS Command Execution, also known as Command Injection, is a severe vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the host operating system...

Blind SQL Injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database without directly...

BREACH is a variant of the CRIME attack that targets HTTP compression, specifically gzip or DEFLATE algorithms used via the content-encoding option within HTTP. Attackers...

Broken hyperlinks in web pages can create a bad experience for the users. It can also affect the web page ranking in web search results....

Brute Force Prevention Bypassed occurs when software lacks adequate measures to counter multiple failed authentication attempts within a short time frame, rendering it vulnerable to...

Buffer overflow occurs when an application accepts more data than it can handle, leading to data overflowing the designated memory space. This vulnerability can be...

When the character encoding is not explicitly defined in web content, browsers may resort to guessing or using a default encoding. This can lead to...

The absence of the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) response header leaves a website vulnerable to various types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks....

The presence of the Domain attribute in the Set-Cookie header instructs browsers to send the cookie to any subdomains of the specified domain. This can...

The absence of the HttpOnly flag in cookies allows JavaScript running on the client-side to access them through the Document.cookie API. This presents a security...

The absence of the SameSite flag in cookies leaves them vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, where unauthorized actions are performed on behalf of...

The absence of the Secure flag in cookies allows them to be transmitted over unencrypted connections, making them vulnerable to interception by attackers conducting man-in-the-middle...

The CRIME (Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) attack targets the SPDY protocol versions 3 and earlier, used in browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome....

CRIME (Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) is a security exploit targeting secret web cookies transmitted over HTTPS and SPDY connections utilizing data compression. By analyzing...

CRLF injection involves injecting Carriage Return (ASCII 13, \r) and Line Feed (ASCII 10, \n) characters into web requests or responses. These characters are used...

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to allow a web application running at one origin to access selected resources...

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, often through user inputs, and executed in the browsers of other users....

A database error occurs when the application encounters an issue while interacting with the database backend. Such errors can arise due to various factors, including...

Detailed application and database errors occur when the application encounters issues related to both its functionality and interaction with the database backend. These errors expose...

Detailed application errors, caused by unhandled exceptions, pose two primary risks. Firstly, they can lead to denial of service by causing memory leaks or excessive...

Directory listing of sensitive files occurs when directory listing, if enabled, exposes the complete index of resources within a directory to potential attackers. This can...

Directory listing, when enabled, exposes the complete index of resources within a directory to potential attackers. This can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive files...

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, often through user inputs, and executed in the browsers of other users....

A vulnerability in multiple subsystems of Drupal allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary operating system commands on the server, leading to potential compromise of the...

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, often through user inputs, and executed in the browsers of other users....

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

The disclosure of email addresses on webpages can make them vulnerable to harvesting by spambots, leading to an influx of unsolicited spam emails.

Expression Language Injection (EL Injection) is a critical vulnerability that occurs when user inputs are used to construct dynamic expressions in web applications without proper...

The <input> element with type="file" enables users to select and upload files from their device storage to a remote server. However, unrestricted file upload functionality...

Hidden resources in robots.txt refer to sensitive paths or directories that are inadvertently exposed in the robots.txt file. The robots.txt file is used to instruct...

During the processing of an incoming HTTP request, the web server relies on the Host HTTP header to determine which component or virtual host should...

A vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows HTTP Protocol Stack (HTTP.sys) allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a system crash on the host...

HTTP response splitting is the result of the failure of a web application to properly sanitize CR (ASCII 0x0D) and LF (ASCII 0x0A) character in...

Insecure deserialization remote code execution is a critical security vulnerability that occurs when an application deserializes a user-supplied object string without properly verifying its integrity....

Insecure deserialization occurs when an application deserializes a user-supplied object string without properly verifying its integrity. This vulnerability enables attackers to manipulate the system state...

When an inline frame tag (<iframe>) on a webpage references an external resource without the sandbox attribute set, it allows the external URL to manipulate...

An internal server error occurs when the server encounters an unexpected condition that prevents it from fulfilling the request. This error can result from various...

OS Command Execution, also known as Command Injection, is a severe vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the host operating system. Attackers...

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, often through user inputs, and executed in the browsers of other users....

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

A vulnerability in the J2Store component for Joomla! allows attackers to inject and execute SQL commands on the website’s database, potentially leading to data theft,...

Local File Inclusion (LFI) is a vulnerability that allows attackers to include local files, exploiting dynamic file inclusion mechanisms in the target application. This occurs...

In some versions of Microsoft IIS, it is possible to detect the existence of files using an 8.3 short filename (SFN). This vulnerability allows attackers...

Web cache or HTTP cache is a system used to optimize web performance. Browsers cache the contents of a resource to reuse it on subsequent...

Misconfigurations in Nginx, particularly with PHP FPM (FastCGI Process Manager), can lead to a critical security vulnerability. Attackers can exploit this misconfiguration by appending /.php...

Nginx versions since 0.5.6 up to and including 1.13.2 are vulnerable to an integer overflow vulnerability in the nginx range filter module. This vulnerability can...

Allowing null byte character (ASCII 0x00) in the URL can lead to a severe security risk. If the user can manipulate file contents on the...

A vulnerability in Nginx allows attackers to bypass security restrictions in specific configurations by exploiting a flaw in request URI processing. When an unescaped space...

The Server header reveals detailed information about the server application handling the request, including the Nginx version. Exposing this information can aid attackers in identifying...

In HTTP communications, traffic is not encrypted and can be captured by an attacker who has access to a network interface. This exposes sensitive information...

In scenarios where HTTPS is enabled but HTTP requests are not automatically redirected to HTTPS, users must explicitly use the HTTPS URL to ensure encrypted...

Old or backup files left accessible on a web server can inadvertently expose sensitive information such as source code, administrative interfaces, or credentials. These files...

Unvalidated redirects and forwards occur when a web application accepts untrusted input that could redirect the user to a URL provided within the input. Attackers...

OS Command Execution, also known as Command Injection, is a severe vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the host operating system. Attackers...

When a user visits a page served over HTTPS, their connection with the web server is encrypted with TLS, protecting it from most sniffers and...

When passwords are sent over unencrypted HTTP traffic, attackers can intercept and capture them easily, leading to unauthorized access to user accounts, sensitive data exposure,...

When passwords are included in URLs and sent as part of HTTP queries, they may be logged in various places, including server logs, and disclosed...

When passwords are included in URLs and sent as part of HTTP queries, they may be logged in various places, including server logs, and disclosed...

When passwords are sent over unencrypted HTTP traffic, attackers can intercept and capture them easily, leading to unauthorized access to user accounts, sensitive data exposure,...

Path disclosure in robots.txt occurs when sensitive paths or directories are inadvertently exposed in the robots.txt file. The robots.txt file is used to instruct web...

Exposing the PHP version used by the server facilitates attackers in identifying vulnerabilities more easily. This information exposes the server to potential risks.

The phpinfo() method in PHP reveals extensive details about the PHP environment, including configuration settings, server information, and installed extensions. While useful for debugging and...

Possible SQL Injection refers to a potential vulnerability where input data may be susceptible to SQL injection attacks. SQL injection is a type of attack...

Private IPv4 addresses are reserved for use within private networks such as local area networks (LANs). Revealing private IP addresses can provide insights into the...

Private IPv6 addresses are reserved for use within private networks and are not routable on the public Internet. Disclosing private IPv6 addresses can provide attackers...

The presence of profanity in web pages can create a negative user experience and may lead to decreased user engagement. Additionally, profanity can impact the...

The HTTP Public-Key-Pins response header was used to associate a specific cryptographic public key with a web server to mitigate the risk of MITM attacks...

An HTTP redirection (3XX status code) typically does not include a body. However, if a body is present in the redirection response, it indicates that...

The Referrer-Policy HTTP header controls the amount of referrer information (sent via the Referer header) included with requests. The Referer header contains the address of...

Remote File Disclosure (RFD) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to disclose files located on remote servers, exploiting dynamic file inclusion mechanisms implemented in...

Remote File Inclusion (RFI) is a vulnerability that allows attackers to include remote files, exploiting dynamic file inclusion mechanisms in the target application. This occurs...

Remote URL Inclusion (RUI) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to include a remote URL, exploiting dynamic URL inclusion mechanisms implemented in the target...

The robots.txt file is used to instruct web robots on which parts of a website to avoid crawling or indexing. While intended for cooperation with...

When a server does not support secure renegotiation in SSL/TLS connections, it becomes vulnerable to content injection at the start of sessions. This vulnerability requires...

Sensitive Old/Backup Resource Found refers to old or backup files left accessible on a web server, which can inadvertently expose sensitive information such as source...

Sensitive Unreferenced Resource Found refers to the discovery of sensitive resources within a web application that are not directly linked or referenced within the application...

Object serialization allows transferring complex data structures over channels like HTTP. However, the presence of a serialized object within the application indicates potential vulnerabilities related...

The Server header describes the server application that handled the request. Detailed information in this header can expose the server to attackers. Using the information...

When the Domain attribute is present in the Set-Cookie header, browsers send the cookie to any subdomains of the specified domain. This can result in...

The absence of the HttpOnly flag in session cookies allows client-side JavaScript to access them, which poses a security risk. Without the HttpOnly flag, session...

The absence of the SameSite flag in session cookies leaves them vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, where unauthorized actions are performed on behalf...

The absence of the Secure flag in session cookies allows them to be transmitted over unencrypted connections, making them vulnerable to interception by attackers conducting...

Source code disclosure occurs when the source code of a web application is inadvertently exposed to users, potentially revealing sensitive information such as credentials, API...

SQL commands reveal information about the structure of the underlying database. This information does not create any direct impact on the target, though it provides...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SSL version 2 is known to have numerous security vulnerabilities, rendering it highly insecure and susceptible to attacks.

SSL version 3 is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks and other cryptographic weaknesses, making it insecure for use in secure communication.

The absence of the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) response header leaves a website vulnerable to protocol downgrade attacks and session hijacking. Without this header, attackers can...

Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that allows browsers to verify that resources fetched, such as from a content delivery network (CDN), are delivered...

Heartbleed is a critical security vulnerability found in the OpenSSL cryptography library, used for implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Attackers can exploit this...

The POODLE attack (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) is a vulnerability that exploits SSL 3.0 fallback mechanisms in internet and security software clients. Attackers...

Shellshock, also known as Bashdoor, is a critical vulnerability in the Unix Bash shell that allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands and gain unauthorized access....

Time Based SQL Injection is a type of SQL injection attack where the attacker manipulates the timing of SQL query execution to infer information about...

TLS version 1.0 is known to have several security vulnerabilities and weaknesses, making it susceptible to attacks.

TLS version 1.1 is known to have several security vulnerabilities and weaknesses, rendering it insecure for use.

Exposing detailed information such as the Tomcat version number facilitates attackers in identifying vulnerabilities and planning their attacks more effectively.

The HTTP TRACE method allows clients to view the entire request received by the web server, primarily for testing and diagnostic purposes. However, enabling this...

The HTTP TRACK and TRACE methods allow the client to see the entire request that the web server has received. Although primarily intended for testing...

The Unicode Standard provides a unified encoding scheme for characters worldwide, enhancing program globalization and security. However, improper usage of Unicode can introduce security vulnerabilities,...

File and directory paths reveal information about the structure of the file system of the underlying OS. While this information does not directly impact the...

Unreferenced Login Page Found refers to the discovery of login pages within a web application that are not directly linked or referenced within the application...

Unreferenced repositories, such as those from version control systems like Git, SVN, CVS, and Mercurial, contain valuable information such as source code, historical changes, and...

Unreferenced resources in web applications may reveal sensitive information and provide attackers with insights into potential attack vectors. These resources, although not directly linked or...

Unreferenced Source Code Disclosure is a vulnerability that occurs when a backup file or source code file of an application is accessible to users, potentially...

Unvalidated redirects and forwards occur when a web application accepts untrusted input that could redirect the user to a URL provided within the input. Attackers...

User-controllable URLs refer to HTML attributes with a value type of URI, such as href in the a tag or src in the img tag....

User Enumeration occurs when web applications inadvertently reveal whether a username exists on the system, either due to misconfiguration or design decisions. Attackers exploit this...

The ViewState, a hidden form input in ASP.NET pages, automatically persists information and application data specific to a page. If the ViewState is not encrypted,...

The Internet Information Services (IIS) version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the...

Weak Password vulnerabilities arise when applications fail to enforce strong password policies, making it easier for attackers to guess or crack users’ passwords, leading to...

When a web server fails to properly normalize and validate the ../ sequence in URL paths, it enables attackers to access files outside the intended...

Werkzeug is a comprehensive WSGI web application library for the Python language. Werkzeug provides a WSGI middleware that renders nice tracebacks, optionally with an interactive...

File and directory paths reveal information about the structure of the file system of the underlying OS. This information does not create any direct impact...

PHPMailer before 5.2.18 allows remote attackers to pass extra parameters to the mail command and consequently execute arbitrary code. It is possible to execute remote...

WordPress wp-login.php serves as the primary login page for both users and administrators. Attackers commonly exploit this page through password guessing and brute force attacks...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

An SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the league_id parameter of a function call made by the leaguemanager_export page.

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

OS Command Execution, also known as Command Injection, is a severe vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the host operating system. Attackers...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL queries are inserted into input data, allowing attackers to manipulate the database. Successful exploitation can...

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, often through user inputs, and executed in the browsers of other users....

User Enumeration occurs when web applications inadvertently reveal whether a username exists on the system, either due to misconfiguration or design decisions. Attackers exploit this...

The absence of the X-Content-Type-Options response HTTP header may expose a website to MIME sniffing attacks. MIME sniffing, performed by browsers when the MIME type...

The absence of the X-Frame-Options HTTP response header leaves a website vulnerable to click-jacking attacks. Without this header, attackers can embed the site’s content into...

The presence of the X-Powered-By header reveals the technologies used by the web server, providing valuable information to attackers. This disclosure can aid attackers in...

The HTTP X-XSS-Protection response header, originally designed for Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari, aimed to mitigate reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. However, its effectiveness has...

The Apache HTTP Server version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the server,...

The Nginx version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the server, leading to...

The OpenSSL version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the server, leading to...

The PHP version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the server, leading to...

The Apache Tomcat version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the server, leading...

The WordPress version used is outdated and has security flaws. Vulnerabilities in older versions could be exploited by attackers to compromise the website, leading to...

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